I remember a few years ago, I got a bit tired of my old life. Running after jobs, money, houses, the perfect trends, facial creams and being influenced by another one to buy the latest stuff. I’m not saying it is good or bad. But it was just not what I longed for anymore. It’s more like when you grow up and you realise that trousers are a bit too short and you have outgrown them or you don’t like the style you once loved and now you wish to experience another pair of jeans.
And with this desire or tiredness ,I realised I
shifted my perspective and consciousness. In truth we are all souls with unique
gifts, talents and characteristics and what I observed in my life, social media can easily program us to follow others rather than ourselves. To wear this certain thing, to try this cream, to eat this burger. And
a lot of us follow. It does have its charms and beauty, I was so drawn to it
too until I realised it was exactly what kept me away from living my best life.
Instead of rediscovering my uniqueness and becoming the best version of myself, it reminded me more of the function I
used for word documents ‘copy and paste’. It keeps you in a program. Like a
cage of not being yourself but rather look and be like another one which is
impossible and not what life was meant to be, if you ask me.
Everyone is unique. Unique in experiences, backgrounds and talents. What is good for you, what may work and serve you may not be good for me. It does not mean I am better or worse than you or you are better or worse than me - it’s just a different expression which makes us unique and really shining. So I really asked myself: if no one advertised that cream, trousers, whatever snack, what would I wear or buy? I recently looked up an app and of course this is what a lot of people highlighted before but sometimes it needs a while to sink in (some things we do need to hear a couple of times in order to wake up and become aware of it) I was so shocked what’s in some of the creams and facial products that are advertised. Having a direct influence on hormones. We think “well it is just a cream, it cannot be that bad, what's the point now” (at least in my ‘sleepy state’ I thought that too) but here is the thing: if we fully want to step into our full potential where we live our hearts desires, I realised we have to take responsibility for our own actions.
We cannot change someone else’s behaviour but we can change ours. And imagine just 50 people started and then 100, 500, 1000, 5000… we create a world full of natural beauty. Future generations will look in awe like we look in history books and say “wow what amazing work they did” we will turn around this world of destruction to a world of co creating our own reality and stepping into our full power full of content, joy, love, beauty. Just by being ourselves! How many times did you hide or not do something because you were scared of what others think of you, to not fit in, not feel good enough. These types of thinking was what I was tired of.
How do we start? How do we step into our full potential? By making a decision ! That’s the first step. Deciding we wish to step into our potential and take responsibility. Become more aware of how we act and what we do. Without judgment or self-condemnation. Even if one million people disagree or you may say "well what impact shall I have"? Well someone gotta start. I decided I wanted to be someone the best version of me and someone who makes a difference, in the sense to make this world a better place and to feel good. It’s never too late or early.
So I did a decision. And then just started with self-awareness. Regarding my shopping style, I became aware of how I would act if I needed no attention by others. I asked myself. Would I really buy it if there was just me? I realised for most advertised products, I would not give a damn, not because they are not good, but because they have no real meaning to me or do not really appeal to me. I chose a cream I really liked and which worked for my skin and it has a good impact for the world.
And I noticed that transformation starts with becoming conscious, making an
effort, even if it’s not perfect, in truth nothing and no one is perfect ,
there will always be people who will not like it or have another opinion. We
can always adjust and align if we think what we did does not serve us anymore.
We do not have to wait until someone from the
government finally takes a decision or the CEO of a fashion company or anyone else outside of us. We
are responsible for our own life, if we like to believe it or not.
When we try out and find what’s good for us, we
feel so good - this feeling to be who you truly are, to be aligned with within yourself instead of constantly looking for happiness and advise outside of yourself is so empowering. Give it a try if you feel called to.
I later started to learn a lot about transformation and raising our energy vibes and put together content, information and tips in a 21 day program to help others that are open for it do the same and provide some guidance along the way.
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