I know we may have heard it all. The way to manifesting is to visualise your dream life, the circumstances we wish to create. I did a lot of that and often it did not manifest just by visualising. Is visualisation helpful? Definitely! But in my life I found it depended on the situation and stage of manifestation. Just visualising without taking further action won't get us to our dreams.
I remember when I visualised something and it did materialise. However, a year later when I did that again, it did not manifest at all this time.
Why did it not manifest?
To cut a long story short.
Firstly, visualising is just one component. If you want to make a cake, you might need a couple of ingredients not just one to create the cake you like. I visualised every outcome and step and ended up full of expectations rather than let it unfold. I did not take a lot of action on the impulses nor did I ask myself what behaviour I needed to get there.
Secondly, I was visualising based on my
ego mind’s desires, not my soul desires.
Is there a difference? Oh hell, a big one.
The ego mind’s desires is based on rationality. It is based on our limited self, based on limited perspectives and ideas and more often than not a trauma-based reaction.
E.g. if I deep down do not feel good or worthy enough, I might have that wish to manifest 200.000€. Am I saying it is bad to visualise 200.000€? Not at all. But I want to have them to feel better. And that is the big difference. I want to have an external circumstance e.g. money to feel better and compensate a feeling within me which ironically is based on an illusion. On something I am not.
Ego desires are full of expectations and control. We expect a certain outcome and control the things around us in order to feel safe and happy. But the soul or universe does not work like that. Because when we currently do not feel happy internally, we are not in the energy vibration to attract that sum of money in the first place. That happened to me why I could not manifest.
Soul desires are intuitive. Following the soul or the heart means trusting blindly. It is beyond expectation and control. What does it mean? If I have a feeling that I should not do it, I trust my soul blindly to not do it. Even if my mind gives me 100 reasons why it makes sense to do it e.g. a fear that I will not be able to survive, a fear I will hurt someone, a fear it will not work out. Etc, etc. So that is meant by controlling an outcome.
The soul is on a very high vibration quite naturally. Financial freedom and the soul vibrate at the same frequency.
If I embody and trust my soul, I will be guided towards financial freedom naturally without visualising something that might not even be meant for me. That I might only visualise because I am sad or frustrated and as a result in a lower vibrational state where I wish to compensate an inner state of lack with an outer object.
When we are in a lower vibrational state, we have different desires that match that frequency wavelength. E.g. if I tune into a radio station that is famous for playing Hip Hop music, that is the music I will get. Visualising to listen to piano music is just wishful thinking, not manifesting.
In order to listen to piano music, I have to change the frequency and vibration, as such hit another radio button. I cannot stay in that exact reality that I am in right now.
So while it can help at the beginning to visualise where you want to be, to visualise a life of your dreams, it is important to let go how you get there and how it exactly should look like and turn out. I had a vision that I wanted to embody my soul, I wanted to be financially free and feel happy.
That was my goal.
And only much later when my manifestations did not come true, I understood why. And that was the moment my intuition asked me to stop visualising.
Because I was yet on my way to change the radio frequency. I was still stuck in my traumas thinking I need money to be happy. But that limiting belief kept me in a lower vibration and in a reality where I cannot experience financial freedom, just the same way I cannot listen to piano music if I do not switch to a radio frequency where piano music is played.
Because the thing is this, money does not make you happy. Money is the result of embodying your soul. It is a frequency. And energy. Your energy. The energy and time you put into activities. The consciousness. How conscious are you? What decisions do you make? Do you make decisions out of your mind or your heart?
To cut a story short, it was the moment I realised, it is important to fully trust the soul.
To release control, expectation and visualising how your end goal should exactly play out.
It is about anchoring in the here and now and ask your soul: Soul what do you want to do now?
It is not about habit, structure per se, but about your highest excitement in each moment. Releasing what no longer serves. Getting rid of habits that do not make you feel good, but rather stuck. Becoming aware of your emotional reactions. Turning into a higher and higher version of yourself. Shedding everything that does not make you happy. That brings you in a naturally high vibrational state. It is the vibration of your soul, not your ego self.
It is the divine aspect of you that acts based on who you really are, based on love, unity, abundance, not the lower ego aspect that is based on fear, hate, separation, lack and hierarchy thinking.
And once you shed light on what no longer serves… and you go deep within and ask yourself, what are my true dreams? That is when the true answers can come. But they cannot come when we are in a state of emotional reaction, feeling completely sad, frustrated and angry. They come from a place of love. When we become still. When we calm the mind. When we release the expectation and control.
It’s the secret to creating a life you dream about. A life of financial abundance, of love and joy. Where all other life categories sort itself out. I stopped visualising how exactly something should turn out. I visualise how I would become a better version of myself each day and acted according to that. And that’s where the true growth happens. That’s where we can feel true joy, happiness and fulfilment. And at some point in the future, when we keep up the energies, financial abundance and all the material things will follow based on our energy vibration. In a moment where we just listen to our soul guiding us along the way.
But the journey towards inner happiness can feel uncomfortable. Because all those uncomfortable emotions and thoughts arise along the journey. We may encounter situations with people that make us angry, but in truth they make us a gift, they show us what limiting beliefs we still hold and did not see yet or did not want to see or look at.
What we do not realise, if we know how to handle emotional reactions in a way they serve us, we can gain the biggest soul growth and come a big step closer to our freedom.But as long as we keep ourselves small, react, get angry, we can visualise as much as we want, it is not going to happen because we are not a frequency match to what we want to have.
If you want to know how to raise your vibration, easy, fun and very practical daily tools, my 21 day course may help. Feel into yourself if it calls you. It is like a workbook just in form of a course. Each day we cover a chapter that is important. It includes around 3 pages with insights about the topic, practical tips and an impulse to act upon to practise it. Of course, this course just sets a foundation and requires you to work upon. But I used exactly those tools that brought me to my dreams and soul essence. Most likely we cannot build a life of our dreams in 21 days, but we can start. If you start right now and set a foundation or have tools, imagine where you could be in 3, 6, 9 or 12 or even 24 months? It is about the little steps each day.
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